Past president MSFC - 2016 - 2018
"The Fiddle Club is a chosen family that I’m grateful for; a diverse and delightfully whacky bunch, brought together by our shared love of the music and each other. We’ve come so far since the early days of performing with music stands and nibbling tim-tams in awkward silence during the breaks at monthly meetings!
"As well as the gigs, recording, tours and meeting my fiddle heroes from around the world, the Club’s friendship with the remarkable Bill and Dianne Sides has had a particularly profound impact on me and the Club; their generosity leading to our strong links with the Hjaltibonhoga fiddlers and so many other outstanding Shetlanders.
"Judy Turner’s passion for the music, and talent for spotting opportunities, making connections and following through to make the magic happen, live on in the current committee and membership. Thank you and congratulations all, I’m excited for the Club’s next 25 years!"